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Engineering Mathematics In Action
(course code: FM 103)

Course instructors:

Amrik Sen
Course TAs:
Rajat Singla, Vijay Sahani,

Sandeep Kumar


Office hours
Amrik Sen (Mon & Wed - 12:00 to 13:00 hrs)

Rajat Singla (Fri - 14:00 to 15:00 hrs)

Vijay Sahani (Th - 14:00 to 15:00 hrs)  

Syllabus and manuals                                                                                                 
Course Brochure (here)
Python Tutorial (here)
Matlab tutorial (here)

Lecture notes and slides                                                             
Set 1                                                                                                                    
Lecture 1.1:

05/09/23 (Amrik's lectures-1.1 & 1.2: here)
Recording of lecture-1.1 (here)

Lecture 1.2:
Recording of lecture-1.2 (here)

Set 2

Lecture 2.1:

14/09/23 (Amrik's lecture-2.1: here)
Recording of lecture-2.1 (here)
Lecture 2.1:
08/09/22 (Saikat's lecture-2.1: here)
Lecture 2.2:

19/09/23 (Amrik's lecture-2.2: here)
Recording of lecture-2.2 (here)

Set 3

Lecture 3.1:
21/09/22 (Amrik's lecture-3.1:
                 part-1 here, part-2 here)
Supplementary material: 
(subspaces: col(A') ⟂ Null(A) - link here)

Lecture 3.2:
26/09/23 (Amrik's lecture-3.2: here)
Recording of lecture-3.2 (here)
Lecture 3.3:
28/09/23 (Amrik's lecture-3.3: here)
Recording of lecture-3.3 (here)

Set 4

Lecture 4.1:
03/10/23 (Amrik's lecture-4.1: here)
Recording of lecture-4.1 (here)
Lecture 4.2:
05/10/23 (Amrik's lecture-4.2: here)
Recording of lecture-4.2 (here)


Mid-term question paper: here
Solutions to mid-term paper: here


Set 5

Lecture 5.1:
17/10/23 (Amrik's lecture-5.1: here)
Recording of lecture-5.1 (here
Lecture 5.2:
19/10/23 (Amrik's lecture-5.2: here)
Recording of lecture-5.2 (here

Set 6

Lecture 6.1:
26/10/23 (Amrik's lecture-6.1: here)
Recording of lecture-6.1 (here
Lecture 6.2:
31/10/23 (Amrik's lecture-6.2: here)
Recording of lecture-6.2 (here
Lecture 6.3:
02/11/23 (Amrik's lecture-6.3: here)
Recording of lecture-6.3 (here

Quiz-1 question paper: set-1, set-2
Solutions to quiz-1 paper: ans-set-1, ans-set-2
Lecture 6.4:
07/11/23 (Amrik's lecture-6.4: here)
Recording of lecture-6.4 (here)

Lecture 6.5:
09/11/23 (Google Page Rank algo: code)
Recording of lecture-6.5 (here)
Andy's calculus review (here)

Set 7

Andy's Lectures 7.1 and 7.2 (here)
Lecture 7.3:
23/11/23 (Amrik's lecture-7.3: here)
Recording of lecture-7.3 (here)
Lecture 7.4:
28/11/23 (Amrik's lecture-7.4: here)
Recording of lecture-7.4 (here)
Lecture 7.5:
30/11/23 (Amrik's lecture-7.5: here)
Recording of lecture-7.5 (here)
Lecture (Revision):

05/12/23 (Slope field & phase portrait: here)

Recording of revision (here)





Quiz-2 question paper & solutions: set-L1, set-L2 




Lecture notes from previous semesters
Lecture 5: 19/09/22 (Amrik's lecture L3.2: here)
Lecture 7: 22/09/22 (Amrik's lecture L4.1: here)
Lecture 8: 26/09/22 (Amrik's lecture L4.2: here)

Module 2

Lecture 1: 27/09/22 (Amrik's lecture L5.1: here)   
Lecture 2: 29/09/22 (Amrik's lecture L5.2: here)
Lecture 3: 04/10/22 (Amrik's lecture L6.1: here)


(Sanjay's lectures 1-2: here)
Lecture 4: 24/11/2021 (Amrik's lecture: here)
(Sanjay's lectures 1-4: here)
Lecture 5: 29/11/2021 (Amrik's lecture: here)
Lecture 6: 01/12/2021 (Amrik's lecture: here)
(Sanjay's lectures 1-6: here)
Lecture 7: 06/12/2021 (Amrik's lecture: here)
Lecture 8: 08/12/2021 (Amrik's lecture: here)
(Sanjay's lectures 1-8: here)

Module 2    

Lectures 1-2: 13-15/12/2021 (Amrik's lecture: here)
(Sanjay's lectures 1-2: here)
Lecture 3: 22/12/2021 (Amrik's lecture: here)
Lecture 4: 03/01/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)
Lecture 5: 05/01/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)
(Sanjay's lectures 4-5: here)
Lecture 6: 10/01/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)

Module 3    

Lecture 1: 12/01/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)
Matlab routine from lecture 1 on 12/01/2022: here
(Sanjay's lecture 1: here)
Lecture 2
: 17/01/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)
Matlab routine from lecture 2 on 17/01/2022: here
(Sanjay's lecture
 2: here)
Lecture 3
: 19/01/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)
(Sanjay's lecture
 3: here)
Lecture 4
: 24/01/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)
(Sanjay's lecture
 4: here)
Lecture 5
: 31/01/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)
(Sanjay's lecture
 5: here)
Lecture 6
: 2/02/2022 (Amrik's lecture: here)

Semester projects

Project-1 (here)
Grading rubric (here)
Interview schedule week-1 (here)

Interview schedule week-2 (here)


Project-2 (here)
Grading rubric (here)

Interview schedule week-1 (here)

Interview schedule week-2 (here)


Sample projects (from previous years) 

Warm-up project-1 (here), posted on 22/9/2022
(report is due on Saturday, October 1 at 11:00 am on LMS,
interviews on October 6 and October 11 in class)

Warm-up project-1 interview schedule
section-1 (here)
section-2 (here)

Warm-up project-1 grading rubric (here)
Note: waited average of your printed answers and your
interview performance will be considered as your final score. 

Project-1 (here), posted on 13/10/2022
(report is due on Saturday, October 29 at 11:00 am on LMS, 
interviews on October 29 from 2:00-4:00 pm in classroom)

Project-1 grading rubric (here)
Project-1 interview schedule (here)

Worksheets & Practice Problems

Worksheet 1: (here); solutions (here)
Topics: L1.1, L1.2, L2.1

Worksheet 2: (here); solutions (here)
Topics: L2.2, L3.1

Worksheet 3: (here); solutions (here)
Topics: L3.2, L4.1

Worksheet 4: (here); solutions (here)
Topics: L5.1, L5.2

Worksheet 5: (here); solutions (here)
Topics: L6.1

Worksheet 6: (here)
Topics: revision of module 1 and module 2

Laboratory worksheets 

-1 (here) Solution-1 (here)

Week-2 (here) Solution-2 (here)
Week-3 (here) Solution-3 (here)
Week-4 (here) Solution-4 (here)

Week-5 (here) Solution-5 (here)
Week-6 (here) Solution-6 (here)
Week-7 (here) Solu
tion-7 (here)

Week-8 to 12: Mid-sem exam, project-1
Week-13: Code for Euler's method (rk1)
               and dsolve (here)

Week-14: Code for  rk2, rk4, ode45 (here)



Previous semesters

END TERM EXAM study compendium: here.


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