Amrik Sen, PhD (Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
PhD, Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, & National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA 2014.
MS, Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA 2009.
B.Tech, Electrical Engineering, NIT Silchar, India 2006.
(last updated: September 2024)
Metaverse Catalyst Conference, IE University, Madrid, Spain (October 2022) (link)
Seed Grant award, Thapar University, 2020: PI of project on "Construction of a new family of mathematical models to simulate quasicrystal growth" total funding: 4,50,000 INR (by Thapar Institute of Engg. & Technology, Patiala, status: sanctioned)
Department of Biotechnology, Research Grant in Aid, 2020: PI and Project Co-ordinator in charge of a multi-university research grant on developing a COVID pandemic management technology for airborne contamination of hospitals by coronavirus, total funding: 42,21,760 INR (by DBT-BiRAC joint call for technology development against COVID 19, status: sanctioned)
Indo-USA international collaboration, 2020: Co-PI for developing a mathematical model for hyperthermia induced innate immunity strategy for gastric cancer treatment, total funding: 25,10,000 INR (by Thapar-Virginia Tech. joint consortium through Center of Excellence in Emerging Materials, status: sanctioned)
DST-SERB Early Career Research Award, 2019: PI in charge of investigating the role of wave turbulence in the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants in the SABL, total funding: 32,91,520 INR (by Department of Science & Technology, India, status: sanctioned)
Summer fellowship, 2011 (by Inst. of Theoretical Physics, Cargese, Corsica, France, University of Colorado, Boulder, and NCAR, Boulder)
Fields MITACS summer award, 2009 (by Fields Institute and Carleton University, Canada)
JRF position towards a PhD in Mathematics under DBT research grant (coming soon).
JRF position towards a PhD in Mathematical Physics under DST-SERB research grant (closed).