Amrik Sen, PhD (Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Computational Methods and Optimization
(course code: FM 216)
Course Instructors: Amrik Sen
Course TAs: Rajat Singla, Vijay Sahani, Viraj D'Souza
Class schedule:
Lectures (L2) : Tuesday (09:00 to 10:00), Thursday (09:00 to 10:00)
Lectures (L1) : Tuesday (10:00 to 11:00), Thursday (10:00 to 11:00)
Office hours:
Amrik Sen (Tuesday, Thursday: 11:45 to 12:45) in A2-103
Syllabus and manuals
Course brochure and lecture plan: (here)
Video recording of lectures:
Computational Methods & Optimization series (here)
Lecture notes:
Vector calculus fundamentals - set 1 (here)
Vector calculus fundamentals - set 2 (here)
Calculus based optimization notes (here)
(including Lagrange multipliers)
The simplex method for LPP -- geometry & algebra (here)
Python code repository
Root finding techniques: script: (here), functions: (here)
Roots with multiplicity: script: (here), functions: (here)
Gradient descent algorithm (1D): code: (here)
BATCH Gradient descent algorithm: (here)
STOCHASTIC Gradient descent algorithm: code: (here)
(Deep) Neural Networks with SGD: code: (here)
BATCH Gradient descent method for solving systems of equations: code: (here)
Simplex method (matrix form): code: (here); main script for LPP: (here)
Project: part-1 (here)
Rubric: (here)
Interview slots: (here)
Project: part-2 (here)
Rubric: (here)
Interview slots: (here)
Mid-Sem exam preparation: practice problems
Numerical analysis by Burden and Fairies (9th edition)
Book page: 54
Practise set 2.1: 1, 3, 4
Fixed Point
Book page: 65
Practise set 2.2: 3, 5, 7
Newton & Secant
Book Page: 75
Practise set 2.3: 1, 5, 6, 13
Multiple Roots
Book Page: 85
Practise set 2.4: 2, 4, 6, 7
Trapezoidal & Simpsons:
Book Page: 202
Practise set 4.3: 1, 5, 9
Gaussian Quadrature:
Book Page: 234
Practise set 4.7: 1, 5 (in case you really want to test yourself if you got GQ)
For vector calculus, practise all solved problems from
ch 14 of Thomas' Calculus by Hass et. al. (15th edition)
Quiz-1 preparation: practice problems
Thomas' Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 13th Edition.
Section 14.7 (pp 851-853), solved problems 3,4,6
Ex 14.7 (pg. 855) - 10, 20, 32
Section 14.8, Ex 14.8 (pp. 864-865) - 3, 15, 22, 29
Venue as per University ID (here)
Part-A starts at 10:00 AM on Dec 7th (Sat)
Part-B starts at 11:00 AM on Dec 7th (Sat)
Bring your own laptops for part-B
Practice problems: Gradient Descent Method
Worksheet (here)
Practice problems: LPP (graphical method)
Worksheet (here)
Practice problems: BIP (Branch and Bound approach)
Worksheet (here)